Tuesday, February 22, 2011
New Zealand's New Weapon in War on Climate Gases
Summary: In New Zealand, they are importing 11 different species of dung beetles from Australia as an effective way to battle climate gases. Dung beetles are known for eating poop and creation new life from it. They also hide their eggs in their own waste. As the eggs hatch they feed on the poop, which turns it into sawdust. As the manure decomposes, it releases greenhouse gases. Dung beetles eat up the nitrous oxide and convert it into carbon dioxide. The scientists realize the importance of the dung beetles and think it could save everyone a lot of money.
Reflection: I think it is cool that the dung beetles are able to convert the nitrous oxide into carbon dioxide. I also think that the dung beetles are important in keeping the soil rich and helping the farmers save money. people do need to be careful that they do not bring in too many of the unfamiliar species to an ecosystem so it does not cause disastrous effects.
1) Do you think it is good or bad to bring in the dung beetles? why?
2) Do yo think that the beetles will overpopulate and become noneffective?
3) If the beetles do overpopulate, will the native species decrease?
4) What can humans do to make sure none of the above happens?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Invasive Species Evolve Rapidly
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Madrid's Mayor Fiddles Air Pollution Results
Madrid's mayor was extremely happy with the decrease of air pollution since he has been in office. Even though the way he seemed to be lowering the pollution was by moving the machines, which measured the air pollution, from busy streets to parks and gardens. The prosecuter for environmental affairs notice that something was up and had some other people run their own tests which showed that the pollution levels have stayed the same not gotten any better. The mayor claims that this is a plot by the Socialist government before the elections and he believes that none of this would have happened if he had not given any tax breaks to diesel drivers. Even though the air pollution in Madrid is terrible that have yet to really do any changes about it. He has neglected to meet the acceptable levels of nitrogen for the air, introduce bikes or any plan of making this situation better. London also has the same pollution problem, but other than Madrid, London is comitted to change their situation.
I find that what the mayor did was completly unessary and to try to cover it up by saying its the governments problem is a little low. I think the worst part though is the fact that even after he was caught and denied it, the mayor still made no effort to change the amount of air pollution. Almost ignoring the matter. I believe they should at least make a slight effort to change the air conditions no matter what they do.
What do think is making such a great amount of air pollution in Madrid?
What do you think the mayor could be doing to help the air conditions?
Why do you think the mayor decided to move the machines in the first place?
Rainbow Parrotfish: ever heard of it?
The rainbow parrot fish is exotically colored fish that lives in the western Atlantic ocean. It has a green body, orange fins, and streaks of green stretching towards it's tail on it back. The more brightly colored between the males and females are the males, though only when they're fully grown. The reason for the name parrotfish is their unusual mouth. Their teeth are inter fused, forming parrot-like beak. The fish use this to scrap the algae from the surface of coral. The parrotfish usually swim around 25 meters deep and hide in cracks at night. They are usually found in schools of 40 individual fish and are very social. The "supermale" usually leads these schools.
The parrot fish are actually able to change sex, if needed to, to be able to reproduce. The supermales are actually converted females for the most part and are very territorial. The children have been found in the mangrove next to the reef. These mangroves act as a predator free nursery areas and are rich in food. They are considered in dangered because the destruction of these mangroves. The young fish are dependent on the mangroves, so the removal of them have resulted in the decline of the population. Along with this the are also threatened because of over-fishing, pollution, and coastal development.
I think the rainbow parrotfish is the coolest colored fish I have ever seen. However it is a little strange that they can change sex if there isn't enough of the certain gender to reproduce. I think it's awful that the fish's home is being destroyed because it could result in extinction. I think we should start being more aware of that the fact that it was their ocean first and that we need to limit the amount of damage we cause to it to a minimum for their sake
1) What are the main four reasons the fish are endangered?
2) Why are the mangrove necessary for the fish's survival?
3) Where can you find the rainbow parrot fish?
4) Where does the fish get it's name?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Wolverine to Vanish from U.S. Due to Warming?
By Charles Q. Choi, National Geographic News, 2/8/11
Summary: Wolverines are carnivores that live in the tundra and northern forests with cool temperatures that do not rise above seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit. Wolverines’ insulating fur keeps them warm throughout the frigid winters, while they stay in snow dens during the warmer seasons. While there are roughly 15,000 wolverines living in Canada, less than a few hundred are surviving in the United States. They cannot survive the heat and much of the wolverine deaths have been caused by global warming. Studies show that if there is a continual swell in the use of greenhouse gases, the spring snowfall that wolverines rely on to form dens, will cease and temperatures will increase during the summer. “Although it's unclear exactly how wolverines would respond to such changes, the new simulations suggest that the very low numbers of wolverines currently living in the contiguous U.S. would likely decline further in response to habitat deterioration.” If the patterns of global warming continue, the wolverine population may rapidly decline, causing possible extinction.
Reflection: I was not surprised by how the wolverine is being affected negatively by human life. Although, the wolverine is a very strong predator in the tundra biome, it cannot live in the hot conditions that humans are causing due to greenhouse gases. I find it extremely disappointing that even seeing all of the negative affects greenhouse gases are having on our environment, there are still tons of people who do not even care, and are not seeking alternative energy sources.
1) How do humans affect the way animals live?
2) Why do scientists believe that the wolverine population may be in danger?
3) What are ways humans ensure the safety of wolverines?