Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cancer is Now the Leading Cause of Death in China


Two of China's biggest cities, Shanghai and Beijing, have 30% lung cancer deaths of all cancer deaths in their cities. This is because of particulates in the air. The amount of particulates in the air in those cities is 4 times the amount of particulates in New York CIty. Polluted air doesn't only bring about more cancers, but also heart disease, respiratory disease, and stroke. "Reports from the countryside reveal a dangerous epidemic of "cancer villages" linked to pollution from some of the very industries motivating China's explosive economy", Earth Policy Institute explains of China. In recent years, thousands of children have been poisoned by mines, shelters, and battery plants. The air is just not safe. And China is not the only country responsible for this issue. A lot of other countries take their waste and dump it in China.

Reflection: I never actually knew how polluted China really was. Just like we watched in the trash video in class, China is polluted everywhere. There are fields of dumps that are just lying around and the city streets are pilled high with trash. Also, the big industry in China contributes to this pollution as well. Burning coal is putting more and more sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide in the air. It is becoming extremely unsafe. The government really needs to take action on this. I remember learning about how China has bad quality water back in the hydrosphere unit. It just shows how very unsafe the country is. China is not only the leading power of the world, but also a leading country of pollution.

1. What other diseases other then cancer have been brought about in China from the air pollution?
2. If you were someone living in China, how could you help this issue?
3. How could the government contribute to preventing this issue from getting worse?
4. Do you think America is becoming more like this?

Climate Change Now! Birds Start Migrating Later & Plants Releasing Less Water Into Atmosphere

American redstart photo
summary: there are some things that continue to show the impacts that affect the migration of birds and the water in the air.  the rain forest its getting as much rain and because of that the birds are not migrating back to the north. there is not enough water being released into the air. the amount of water released into the air from plants is ten percent of the water in the air. the low amounts of water decrease the number of insects and food sources for birds that also cause problems with migration and when they choose to go. the quesiton is whether the birds will adapt to the problems or they will suffer because of it.

reflection: i think it is interesting how the climate is affecting the plants so much that they cant produce the same amount of water for the air. also it is horrible the matter that the migration and lives of the birds are being affected because of it. its extrodinary how the atmosphere has such an effect on the things living within it. like we learned about how the different levels of danger and how severely they can effect us.

1. why are the birds not migrating?
2. what do you think the long term effects of this will be?
3. do you believe the birds willl adapt or they will suffer?
4. what percentage of water in the air comes from plants?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Crazy Weather is the New Normal, Thanks to Climate Change

Wierd weather is becoming a normal thing in the U.S. recently. Heavy rain, big stowfalls, giant floods and draughts are a "new normal" for the United States. Climate scientist Katherine Hayhoe said it's described it best as "global wierding." Americans are used to certain weather patterns and there's a lot of different things happening that people aren't used to. For instance an increase in rainstorms throughout the U.S. Also there as been a record- length dry spell in west Texas over the past five years.

The terem global warming is kind of 'stupid' to say the least because there are certain area that have gotten colder since the "global warming" scare started. For instance in the article it said that heavy snowfalls have been the result to the climate changes in some areas. In my opinion Hayhoe put best when she described it as "global wierding." Though, grant it in most areas you do here about it getting warmer. However, the term global warming is to general in my book.

1) How did climate scientist Katherine Hayhoe describe climate change?
2) What was one of the new normal changes in clime throughout the U.S.?
3) Do you think the term global warming is too general for what is happening to the climate?
4) Over the past five years what has been happening in west Texas?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Solar Plane Makes First International Flight

Apparently a new airplane has been invented power solely by the sun. The first solar power airplane has been invented by Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg in Switzerland. The SolarImpulse piloted by Andre Borschberg will be attempting to fly to Brussels Airport from Payerne airfield in Switzerland. The plane will rise to 3600 meters start for France go over Luxembourg and land in Brussels at approximately 21:00 hours. The flight will take a predicted 12 hours.

To be completely honest it's kind of amazing that this is even possible to do. To power and entire plane that will actually fly on the sun almost sounds impossible. I mean I guess we should be able to do it considering all of the other things we've done with the sun of the years. It does still sound like something that should be from a movie though. It is one thing to be able to power a UAV on the sun but a plane with a pilot inside is just insane.

1) How high in the air did the pilot get the plane?
2) How long will the plane be in the air from Switzerland to Brussels.
3) Do you think this should be possible?
4) Why do you think we didn't try this before now?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Threatened Tortoises Slow Down Desert Solar Project


summary: In the Mojave Desert they are building a solar project that is supposed to take up 5.6 square miles. During the building of the project they were stopped because it could destroy 3,000 acres of tortoise habitat. 600 tortoises could die from the already endangered speacies. Although the developer says that it would only 38 will be distrubed in their actions. Environmentalist dont want the solar pannels to disturb the habitat. They would like it if the pannels were out of the way on rooftops. The tortoises that are 80-100 years old have wide ranges of food sources but because of the move they will have to take diseases are more prone to them and they will die. They are trying to find another habitat to move the tortoises but as of now they have found nothing.

reflection: I feel that alternative energies are great, but when the making and space needed for them destroys animals habitat its not worth it. alternative energy resources are there to help the environment and where we live. Destroying land/ homes of tortoises is not a way to do so. im glad to see they have stopped production so they can figure out what to do in this situation. I dont believe that finding another location just to move the tortoises to isnt going to help much. It will cause an unblanced atmosphere. like we learned earlier in the year when intruducing a different species to new land it can mess things up serverly. with what we are learning now about alternative energies we know that for an energy source putting the pannels in this area would be greatly benificial.  The emmense amount of sunlight would bring in tons of energy to be used. All actions have consequences though.

1.do you thing they should build the pannels? why?
2.What will the effects be of moving the tortoises?
3.What are the advantages of building the pannels?
4. do you the right thing to do and whta will actually happen will be the same thing?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to go green: Alternative Energy

solar panels roof green alternative energy photo


People all around the world want to switch to an alternative source to power their house, but it is too overwhelming. There are so many choices to choose from. For example, Wind, Hydroelectric, Geothermal, all of these are good energy sources but to choose one is a tough decision. Because of this debate, most people just decide to throw away the idea of choosing an alternative energy source. If you do pick one of the listed sources, start off slow to see how it goes. Start off by doing the simplest thing of all; cut down on your electricity you use now. Using less energy will make it easier to provide your own. In the picture, that house is using solar power. Solar power is a good alternative energy source but it has its downfalls. For example, the panels will not generate electricity if it is a cloudy day and the sun is not out. You really have to trust the area you live in before switching to solar power. A positive thing about solar power is that if you generate more electricity than you use, the government will pay you. You need to think about your decision and research the area you live in.


I agree with this article that it is overwhelming to make a big switch to an alternative energy resource. I think that people should definitely invest in new technology like solar panels. We learned in class that we are running out of coal and oil and need to find an alternative energy resource. People need to stop worrying about the negatives and think about the positives. For example, they are getting one step closer to saving the world. I say this because they are cutting down on coal and oil use, and influencing people around them to do the same. If people all around the world switch to alternative energy resource, we will be able to save a lot of coal and oil and stop polluting the world.


1) Do you think it is overwhelming to switch to an alternative energy resource?
2) What are some choices people have to switch to?
3) What are some pros and cons of solar power?
4) Do you think it is possible for everybody to switch to an alternative energy resource at any time?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

GOP Launches Push to Expand Offshore Drilling


By Brian Merchant, TreeHugger.com, 5/03/11


Just one year after the tragic BP Oil Spill, GOP is pushing to expand offshore drilling for oil. The oil spill one year ago in the Gulf of Mexico, spilled 210,000,000 gallons of oil in to the water, killing tons of marine life and damaging the local fishing-based economies of Louisiana and Florida. The GOP has proposed 3 bills, presenting three plans and conditions for where they wish to begin their drilling. These bills would allow drilling in a wide range of coastal waters through Alaska, the East Coast from Maine through North Carolina, and also in Southern California. This bill also states that if it takes more than thirty days for the government to review drilling permit applications or they will automatically be granted permission.


I think that it is ridiculous for the GOP to be promoting drilling for oil. It has only been one year since such a tragedy of an oil spill, and it seems like they haven’t learned anything. Obviously, if that happened once, it can happen again. In class, I learned that drilling for oil is not only bad for the marine life surrounding it, but burning it is horrible for the environment, because it omits carbon and contributes to green house gases. I also learned that there are many sources of alternative energy, and we should be cutting down on the use of fossil fuels. Instead of spending valuable time and money on drilling for more fossil fuels, companies should be concentrating on improving alternative and renewable energy resources that are more cost effective and better for the environment.


1) Do you support fossil fuels?
2) Do you agree with the GOP, in that it is necessary to drill for more oil?
3) What are ways, other than fossil fuels, to provide energy?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Los Angeles to Stop Using Coal by 2020


Summary: The major of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa, said that Los Angeles in the year 2020, will completely eliminate the usage of coal and turn to alternative energy resources. He said that the wind and the sun and other resources will be used for energy instead. Now in Los Angeles, about 20% of the power used is renewable and they have been taking many strides to using cleaner energy. By cutting coal, they will be cutting carbon emissions as well, since coal produces a lot of carbon into the atmosphere. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP)'s goal is to cut carbon emissions by 60% in 2020.

Reflection: I agree with the mayor's decision on cutting the usage of coal in Los Angeles. Obviously it won't really affect us since we live on the other side of the country, however, it may inspire other cities to do the same. This movement towards alternative energy could really have some great outcomes for our environment. Also, we can't even rely on fossil fuels for much longer anyway, since they are quickly running out. By replacing fossil fuels with alternative energies, we can help the atmosphere and the land so much. Carbon emissions are letting excess carbon into the atmosphere as well as dusts and other wastes are being put into the atmosphere as well. Drilling and mining are damaging the land. When we filled out the fossil fuels chart in class, we wrote down that coal puts particulates and mercury into the air also. Mercury is very dangerous and by cutting coal this could be eliminated. Yes, it may be expensive to turn to alternative energies, however, its our best switch from coal and other fossil fuels.

1. Do you think that mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is making the right choice for Los Angeles? Why?
2. Even though turning to alternative energies may hurt the economy, do you think its worth it?
3. What percentage does the LADWP wish to cut carbon emissions by?
4. Are there any disadvantages to alternative energies? If so, list some.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Human Milk From Cows, Like Really?

Summary: Researches in China have been working on genetically modifing cows and now have a herd of 200 cows that produce 'human' milk. It isn't quite human milk but it does have the characteristics of it. However, the milk has a stronger taste that the regular thing. It shouldn't be much longer than 10 years now that this milk will be available in supermarkets. This milk will be better for kids immune systems than the regular cow or goat.

Reflection: What more is there to say about cows producing human milk other that; are you kiddding me? I mean it's one thing to keep them all lock up for their entire live but genetically modifing them so they can do that is just wierd. I honestly don't get what people over like six will be getting from this because after a while human milk isn't doing anything regular milk can do for your body. Something else I don't understand is what the scientists are thinking. Seriouls though, there is no point other than because you can to do that.


1) How long is it predicted it will take for this milk to be available for purchase?

2) How big of a herd do the scientists have of cows that produce human milk?

3) How does human milk benefit people?

4) What is the one difference in cow milk and human milk?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Study: Organic Chicken Carries Significantly Lower Salmonella Risk


Summary: Researchers studied chickens raised for meat from organic and factory farms in North Carolina and tested them for salmonella and samples on their feed. These chickens were all from the same company and were all raised in houses. They found out that 38.8% of the factory farm chickens were carrying salmonella and only 5.6% of the organic farm chickens were. 39.7% of the salmonella found in factory farm chickens had resistance to no smaller then six antibiotics. 0% of the salmonella from the organic chickens had any antibiotic resistance. For the feed, 27.5% of the factory farm feed had the pathogen while only 5% in the organic feed.

I am not surprised with the outcome of this study because we learned in class that antibiotics have caused resistant bacteria which have caused diseases. This study proves that. However, I feel as though no one is really going to change what they buy because this isn't really a big topic in the news and as I have said before, people are most likely only going to buy the cheaper deal. People need to see what the conditions are in these farms and what could happen to us if diseases and bacteria are left in the food we purchase. People need to see it to believe it. Also, the way animals are treated inside factory farms is way different then how they are treated in organic farms. Everything seems to be different. If people don't take action to do further research as well as change the conditions of factory farms, our food in the future could become dangerous.

1. Do you think that the salmonella contributes to the resistant bacteria in factory farm animals?
2. Do you think that by letting more people see what is going on inside factory farms then something will be done to help these issues?
3. Did you know about the problems factory farms have until we learned them in class?
4. What can you do to help with the problems occurring in factory farms?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Flies and cockroaches carry antibiotic-resistant bacteria from factory farms, study finds.

by Tom Philpott from Grist Environmental News, Commentary, Advice, 2/28/11

Summary: In a recent study, it has been shown that farm animals consume four times the amount of antibiotics that humans in America consume. Through this study, it has surfaced that the deadly disease, MRSA, has been seen in factory-farm pigs and the tenders of their farms, nationwide. Also shown in this study, was that over 90% of flies and cockroaches found on factory farms are infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. "

Reflection: I personally think that it is disgusting that so many diseases have been found in factory farm animals. However, it is a bit settling to understand that someone is taking the initiative to test them, and hopefully do something in order to better the quality of factory-farming food and animals. I know that I do not eat all organic food. And to think that it could possibly be infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria is rather unsettling and makes me think about my eating habits. I really think that it is important for something to be done to insure the health and sanitation of factory farms because that is the food most people can afford.

1) How many flies and cockroaches were infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
2) Do you think that it is important for factory farms to have improved quality?
3) How do you think that farmers can improve the health and quality of their farms without causing prices of food and animals to sky rocket?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hawaii Proposes Legislation to Bring Devastating Fish Farms Under Control

Summary: There were two bills introduced Monday do to the fight the State Legislature has against the fish factory farms. The first bill has to do with the uncarefull expansion of the farms and the second was to make sure the factories took a full analysis of their farms and what changes they are causing the environment. Wenonah Hauter stated that farming was linked with diseases, parasites, and pollution. Hawaii became place for factory farm fishing 20 years ago and every since they have been exspanding without consern.

Reflection: I'm glad about the bills passed. To know that someone is actually paying attention to what is happening and doing something about it is reassuring. After what we have learned in class about the affects of factory farms and the dangers resulting in their mistakes, it is reassuring to know that the farmers need to be aware of what is happening. Reading this it reminded me of the video of the salmon and if they were to escape it could potentially end the race of the salmon to exstinction. Although the fish are not GMOs the actions of the factory fish farms could be very dangerous to our life. The farms need to make sure they are safe and not going to let any fish free.

What are some effects of fish escaping from farming pens?
What do you think should happen to the farms that don't fallow the introduced bills?
Why do you think there is still so much danger in the fish factory farms eventhough they are not GMOs?
If the fish in the farms were GMOs do you think there  would be different bills introduced? If so like what?

Monday, April 4, 2011

80% of antibiotics given to farm animals

factory farm pigs photo

80% of all antibiotics purchased in the US go to farm animals. About 10 years ago, concerned scientists calculated that 70% of antibiotics went to farm animals. The FDA released an annual amount of antimicrobial drugs sold and used for food animals. The estimated total in 2009 was 28.8 million pounds. To sum it all up, we are pumping antibiotics into farm animals so they don't get sick in the cramped dark spaces they are locked in. As antibiotic resistance becomes a greater problem, people think that human medication is the answer because it uses equal volumes of antibiotics.

I think it is crazy that we are giving so many antibiotics to farm animals. I find it inconvenient because we could put the animals outside to keep them healthy, and save so much money for not using antibiotics for animals. Even though factory farms are quicker and easier than family farms, i feel that the animals health is more important than anything. Like we learned in class, if we are going to be eating the animals, it is like we are consuming the antibiotics also. if this does not change, which i don't think it will, i think that using human medication is a smart idea. all that matters to me is that the animals are healthy before we eat them.

1) Do you find it shocking that 80% of purchased antibiotics are used for farm animals?
2) Do you think antibiotic resistance is a big problem?
3) Do you think using human medication is a smart idea?
4) Would you rather eat animals that were given antibiotics or not? why?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Is that a banana in your water?


In recent studies, scientists have found that banana peels are able to take heavy metal contamination out of rivers. Metals like lead and copper are found in rivers and can cause damage to the brain and nervous system.   Because of this, scientists needed to find a way to take it out. Before the discovery of banana peels, scientists used silica, cellulose, and aluminum to extract metal from the water. They do not use them any more because they can be potentially toxic and have their own side effects. Bananas are a safe and easy way to outperform the competition. Scientists have also made filters out of banana peels and it also took the metals out. Other plants like an apple, sugar cane wastes, coconut fibers, and peanut shells are also able to remove toxins from the water.

I think it is incredible how scientists found out that banana peels take out metals in rivers. This could be very helpful in having more fresh water to drink because we would not have to worry about having contamination. in class, we learned about how there is only so much water in the world that we can drink. If people everywhere found out about this and actually did it, we could have a lot more fresh water. I am wondering how the banana peel attracts the metal from the water. Also i am wondering how many bananas they have to use for it to actually work. I think that people should use this technique in taking metals from the water because it is safe, and we pretty much have an unlimited amount of bananas.

1) Do you think it is a good idea to use bananas to take metals out of the water?
2) Do you think putting bananas in the water is healthy for the fish?
3) If there was metal on the banana peels, would it be unhealthy if a fish ate it?
4) What are other ways to take metals out of the water?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Global Water Crisis


Sorry guys everything like got put to a link and I couldn't undo it so just don't worry about it.

By the year 2030, half of the world's population will be living in areas with a water shortage. About two years ago, 120 nations met to discuss this issue. They realized that countries need to stop having wars over water resources. Many countries are also having wars because of the fight for water. They said that the water shortage is one of the triggers of conflict between countries. This issue really hasn't been resolved and it is only going to get worse. There are about 6.6 billion people in the world today. By 2050, there will be 2.5 billion more people. A lot of these people will be born into countries that already have a water scarcity problem today.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Melting Polar Ice Sheets Overtake Glaciers As Main Cause of Sea Level Rise - One Foot By 2050 Possible


Greenland and Antarctic ice caps are melting extremely fast because of the climate and resulting in higher sea levels. The rate at which they melt seem to be increasing greatly along with the already high rates, losing 36.3 gigatonnes a year. That was with data from the past twenty years. In 2006 there seemed to be a loss of 402 gigatonnes each year from mountain glaciers and ice caps. With numbers like that continuing to grow, the sea level could rise over a foot by 2050.

This scares me a lot. The fact that the sea level is rising that much that fast soon enough we wont have any glaciers and ice caps, they will just flow into the ocean. All of the habitats and a huge amount of fresh water are going to be destroyed eventually. In class I know we talked about all of this fresh water and we can't do anything with it and eventually it will melt into the ocean wasted. There has to be some way that we can stop the melting of the ice caps or at least find a way to prevent the fresh water from mixing in with the oceans' salt water.
1.what do you think we could or should do to help this problem?
2.what do you think is affected buy the melting ice caps?
3.what do you think has cause the melting to become so rapid?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Water Supply in CA Town Contaminated with Toxic Chemical Used to Make Explosives

by Bryan Merchant, Brooklyn, NY, 11/22/2010

Arnold Schwarzenegger dclared a state of emergency in California due to contaminated tap water. Typically in America when you want clean water, you can go to the sink, but that is not the case in San Bernadino County. The water supply contains the chemical, perchlorate, which typically is used in the making of explosives and rocket fuel. When the contaminate was found in many city wells, customers began fearing for their health. The perchlorate levels in some areas were three or four times the state limit. The city, however, has still not been able to find the source of this contamination.

I think that it is very sad that Californian water is being contaminated with these chemicals. It seems very rare for there to be a violation in water quality in the United States. In my personal life, I have always felt very comfortable with the water. I always now that I can go to my sink and have clean water. And I am very fortunate for that. However, it is a little discomforting that even in California, perchlorate has been found in the water. And the fact that in some places the water level exceded the state MCL by three or four times, is crazy! I am also puzzled with the fact that the EPA has not found a source of the conataminate. If perchlorate comes from making explosives, why would that endup in city wells? That is a little discomforing.
1. Do you think that these contaminates are a big problem?
2. How do you thnk the water entered into the wells?
3. In the future, how can we keep contaminates like these out of our water in wells?

Monday, March 7, 2011

There's Gotta be Something in the Water

You probably already know that the water in China is extremely polluted. However you probably didn't know that one fourth of the water in China has been deemed unusable even for industrial processes. Also a full one halve of the water is completely undrinkable. Whats more is that close to 200 major metropolises of China have experienced acid rain. Something even more unheard of is that those numbers are improvement. Though we all know the reason is all of the industry in China; the chemical plants, paper mills, manufacturing operations and cement factories.


To be honest this is probably one of the weirdest things I've ever heard of. I mean can you ever think of a time where you couldn't drink the water that came out of your faucet. I went up to my uncle's cabin in upstate New York and the water was "hard" but we could still drink it if we had to. In China it has gotten to the point that you have to boil the water first to be able to drink and that still is a little questionable. Personally though I still think it's their own fault, I guess that is what you get when you have that much industry.


1) How much of the water is completely unusable?

2) How much of the water usable for industrial processes but not drinkable?

3) How many major metropolises saw acid rain?

4) Why do you think it has gotten this bad and do you think it will get any better?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Zealand's New Weapon in War on Climate Gases

Dung Beetle in Black and White photohttp://www.treehugger.com/files/2011/02/beetle-is-new-climate-weapon.php?campaign=th_rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+treehuggersite+(Treehugger)&utm_content=Google+Reader

Summary: In New Zealand, they are importing 11 different species of dung beetles from Australia as an effective way to battle climate gases. Dung beetles are known for eating poop and creation new life from it. They also hide their eggs in their own waste. As the eggs hatch they feed on the poop, which turns it into sawdust. As the manure decomposes, it releases greenhouse gases. Dung beetles eat up the nitrous oxide and convert it into carbon dioxide. The scientists realize the importance of the dung beetles and think it could save everyone a lot of money.

Reflection:  I think it is cool that the dung beetles are able to convert the nitrous oxide into carbon dioxide. I also think that the dung beetles are important in keeping the soil rich and helping the farmers save money. people do need to be careful that they do not bring in too many of the unfamiliar species to an ecosystem so it does not cause disastrous effects.

 1) Do you think it is good or bad to bring in the dung beetles? why?
 2) Do yo think that the beetles will overpopulate and become noneffective?
 3) If the beetles do overpopulate, will the native species decrease?
 4) What can humans do to make sure none of the above happens?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Invasive Species Evolve Rapidly


Summary: A new study in Australia shows that a lot of new plant species gave been evolving to become more like native species. Actually, 70 percent of these new plant species are completely changing. They are changing in height, size and shape. When these plants were first introduced to a completely different location and climate change, their characteristics began to change over time in result of the new environment. This study has showed to have good and bad implications for ecosystems around the world. The research proposes that plants will be able to quickly become used to new climate and location changes. This means that more new plants will be able to survive, grow, and won't become extinct. However, the exotic species will take over the native species, causing them to decrease.

Reflection: It was interesting to find out how plants can adapt to new places and climate changes so quickly. I didn't know they could survive a completely different area. And, it was interesting to find out how introduced species can evolve into the native species after putting them in a new environment. However, it was disappointing reading about how these new plants will eventually cause the native plants to die. Maybe humans should stop moving plants and animals from their original habitat because it will cause these living things to die and maybe even become extinct.


1. Can humans stop these plants from taking over the native species?

2. Do these evolving changes happen to animals as well?

3. How do humans affect the way plants live?

4. Are invasive species the only threat to biodiversity?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Madrid's Mayor Fiddles Air Pollution Results


     Madrid's mayor was extremely happy with the decrease of air pollution since he has been in office. Even though the way he seemed to be lowering the pollution was by moving the machines, which measured the air pollution, from busy streets to parks and gardens. The prosecuter for environmental affairs notice that something was up and had some other people run their own tests which showed that the pollution levels have stayed the same not gotten any better. The mayor claims that this is a plot by the Socialist government before the elections and he believes that none of this would have happened if he had not given any tax breaks to diesel drivers. Even though the air pollution in Madrid is terrible that have yet to really do any changes about it. He has neglected to meet the acceptable levels of nitrogen for the air, introduce bikes or any plan of making this situation better. London also has the same pollution problem, but other than Madrid, London is comitted to change their situation.


     I find that what the mayor did was completly unessary and to try to cover it up by saying its the governments problem is a little low. I think the worst part though is the fact that even after he was caught and denied it, the mayor still made no effort to change the amount of air pollution. Almost ignoring the matter. I believe they should at least make a slight effort to change the air conditions no matter what they do.


   What do think is making such a great amount of air pollution in Madrid?

   What do you think the mayor could be doing to help the air conditions?

   Why do you think the mayor decided to move the machines in the first place?

Rainbow Parrotfish: ever heard of it?


The rainbow parrot fish is exotically colored fish that lives in the western Atlantic ocean. It has a green body, orange fins, and streaks of green stretching towards it's tail on it back. The more brightly colored between the males and females are the males, though only when they're fully grown. The reason for the name parrotfish is their unusual mouth. Their teeth are inter fused, forming parrot-like beak. The fish use this to scrap the algae from the surface of coral. The parrotfish usually swim around 25 meters deep and hide in cracks at night. They are usually found in schools of 40 individual fish and are very social. The "supermale" usually leads these schools.

The parrot fish are actually able to change sex, if needed to, to be able to reproduce. The supermales are actually converted females for the most part and are very territorial. The children have been found in the mangrove next to the reef. These mangroves act as a predator free nursery areas and are rich in food. They are considered in dangered because the destruction of these mangroves. The young fish are dependent on the mangroves, so the removal of them have resulted in the decline of the population. Along with this the are also threatened because of over-fishing, pollution, and coastal development.

I think the rainbow parrotfish is the coolest colored fish I have ever seen. However it is a little strange that they can change sex if there isn't enough of the certain gender to reproduce. I think it's awful that the fish's home is being destroyed because it could result in extinction. I think we should start being more aware of that the fact that it was their ocean first and that we need to limit the amount of damage we cause to it to a minimum for their sake

1) What are the main four reasons the fish are endangered?

2) Why are the mangrove necessary for the fish's survival?

3) Where can you find the rainbow parrot fish?

4) Where does the fish get it's name?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wolverine to Vanish from U.S. Due to Warming?


By Charles Q. Choi, National Geographic News, 2/8/11

Summary: Wolverines are carnivores that live in the tundra and northern forests with cool temperatures that do not rise above seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit. Wolverines’ insulating fur keeps them warm throughout the frigid winters, while they stay in snow dens during the warmer seasons. While there are roughly 15,000 wolverines living in Canada, less than a few hundred are surviving in the United States. They cannot survive the heat and much of the wolverine deaths have been caused by global warming. Studies show that if there is a continual swell in the use of greenhouse gases, the spring snowfall that wolverines rely on to form dens, will cease and temperatures will increase during the summer. “Although it's unclear exactly how wolverines would respond to such changes, the new simulations suggest that the very low numbers of wolverines currently living in the contiguous U.S. would likely decline further in response to habitat deterioration.” If the patterns of global warming continue, the wolverine population may rapidly decline, causing possible extinction.

Reflection: I was not surprised by how the wolverine is being affected negatively by human life. Although, the wolverine is a very strong predator in the tundra biome, it cannot live in the hot conditions that humans are causing due to greenhouse gases. I find it extremely disappointing that even seeing all of the negative affects greenhouse gases are having on our environment, there are still tons of people who do not even care, and are not seeking alternative energy sources.


1) How do humans affect the way animals live?

2) Why do scientists believe that the wolverine population may be in danger?

3) What are ways humans ensure the safety of wolverines?