The rainbow parrot fish is exotically colored fish that lives in the western Atlantic ocean. It has a green body, orange fins, and streaks of green stretching towards it's tail on it back. The more brightly colored between the males and females are the males, though only when they're fully grown. The reason for the name parrotfish is their unusual mouth. Their teeth are inter fused, forming parrot-like beak. The fish use this to scrap the algae from the surface of coral. The parrotfish usually swim around 25 meters deep and hide in cracks at night. They are usually found in schools of 40 individual fish and are very social. The "supermale" usually leads these schools.
The parrot fish are actually able to change sex, if needed to, to be able to reproduce. The supermales are actually converted females for the most part and are very territorial. The children have been found in the mangrove next to the reef. These mangroves act as a predator free nursery areas and are rich in food. They are considered in dangered because the destruction of these mangroves. The young fish are dependent on the mangroves, so the removal of them have resulted in the decline of the population. Along with this the are also threatened because of over-fishing, pollution, and coastal development.
I think the rainbow parrotfish is the coolest colored fish I have ever seen. However it is a little strange that they can change sex if there isn't enough of the certain gender to reproduce. I think it's awful that the fish's home is being destroyed because it could result in extinction. I think we should start being more aware of that the fact that it was their ocean first and that we need to limit the amount of damage we cause to it to a minimum for their sake
1) What are the main four reasons the fish are endangered?
2) Why are the mangrove necessary for the fish's survival?
3) Where can you find the rainbow parrot fish?
4) Where does the fish get it's name?
I think that the rainbow parrot fish are so cool. I’ve never seen a fish with so many colors and it’s amazing. It is also very fascination that the fish can change their gender in order to reproduce. That can come in very hand in helping to stable their population. It is very disappointing that humans are destroying their habitat. Mangroves are so important to these fish and the fact that we continue to destroy that makes me so angry. Also the fact that we are over-fishing, polluting, the seas and having coastal development is so inconsiderate. Humans wouldn’t like it if someone came and wiped out our habitat, so we shouldn’t do it to fish.
ReplyDeleteQuestion2) Why are the mangroves necessary for the fish's survival?
The mangroves are so important to the survival of the fish, because they are a safe haven for baby fish. Babies can come to these areas without any predators or threats to them. It is important to keep the young of the population safe so that they can grow to reproduce and stable their population. If these mangroves are destroyed, baby fish will die, and not be able to reproduce. The population will continue to shrink.
I have never heard of such a colorful fish. The rainbow parrot fish is amazing. I think it's weird and interesting that they can change gender before reproduction. However, I think it's very sad that humans are destroying their habitat. The over-fishing and pollution needs to stop. Humans need to realize how much damage we are causing before it is too late. Pretty soon extinction will occur.
ReplyDeleteQuestion 3: The rainbow parrot fish is found in the western Atlantic Ocean.
Question 4: It gets its name from its unusual mouth which is shaped like a beak from its teeth.
I think that the rainbow fish is realy cool. The varity of colors and its inter fused teeth. The whole thing about changing gender is just freaky, but the fact that people are pretty much killing off this species is just disappointing and depressing.
ReplyDelete3) its found in the west of the Atlantic Ocean
4) It gets the name from its oddly shaped mouth that is like a parrots
This ties in to what we are learning about next, the mangroves are a type of wetlands, and wetlands are so important for organism reproduction