In recent studies, scientists have found that banana peels are able to take heavy metal contamination out of rivers. Metals like lead and copper are found in rivers and can cause damage to the brain and nervous system. Because of this, scientists needed to find a way to take it out. Before the discovery of banana peels, scientists used silica, cellulose, and aluminum to extract metal from the water. They do not use them any more because they can be potentially toxic and have their own side effects. Bananas are a safe and easy way to outperform the competition. Scientists have also made filters out of banana peels and it also took the metals out. Other plants like an apple, sugar cane wastes, coconut fibers, and peanut shells are also able to remove toxins from the water.
I think it is incredible how scientists found out that banana peels take out metals in rivers. This could be very helpful in having more fresh water to drink because we would not have to worry about having contamination. in class, we learned about how there is only so much water in the world that we can drink. If people everywhere found out about this and actually did it, we could have a lot more fresh water. I am wondering how the banana peel attracts the metal from the water. Also i am wondering how many bananas they have to use for it to actually work. I think that people should use this technique in taking metals from the water because it is safe, and we pretty much have an unlimited amount of bananas.
1) Do you think it is a good idea to use bananas to take metals out of the water?
2) Do you think putting bananas in the water is healthy for the fish?
3) If there was metal on the banana peels, would it be unhealthy if a fish ate it?
4) What are other ways to take metals out of the water?