Sunday, March 13, 2011

Melting Polar Ice Sheets Overtake Glaciers As Main Cause of Sea Level Rise - One Foot By 2050 Possible

Greenland and Antarctic ice caps are melting extremely fast because of the climate and resulting in higher sea levels. The rate at which they melt seem to be increasing greatly along with the already high rates, losing 36.3 gigatonnes a year. That was with data from the past twenty years. In 2006 there seemed to be a loss of 402 gigatonnes each year from mountain glaciers and ice caps. With numbers like that continuing to grow, the sea level could rise over a foot by 2050.

This scares me a lot. The fact that the sea level is rising that much that fast soon enough we wont have any glaciers and ice caps, they will just flow into the ocean. All of the habitats and a huge amount of fresh water are going to be destroyed eventually. In class I know we talked about all of this fresh water and we can't do anything with it and eventually it will melt into the ocean wasted. There has to be some way that we can stop the melting of the ice caps or at least find a way to prevent the fresh water from mixing in with the oceans' salt water.
1.what do you think we could or should do to help this problem?
2.what do you think is affected buy the melting ice caps?
3.what do you think has cause the melting to become so rapid?


  1. I agree with you Tori. This scares me a lot too. The search for fresh water is just slowing decreasing and we have no way to stop it. However, with all the technology we have in today's world, we should come up with a way to stop this problem. Even if we can't save it, we should start conserving the fresh water we have now. Everyone should waste less water. It would really make a difference. If everyone could take shorter showers, or shut off the sink when brushing our teeth, it could really benefit.

    Question 2: I think everyone is affected by the melting ice caps. Many people might not realize it now, but soon we will be depending on them. The polar bears are what is really affected today. Their population is decreasing so much. However, I feel we all are slowly being affected by this day after day.

  2. I also agree with Tori. It is very scary because we could run out of fresh water. water is not a renewable resource, and when we run out we cant get any more. like we learned in class, only 3 percent of all water is fresh water, and 70 percent is frozen. if all of that water is melting into salt water, it wont be long until the world runs out of it. it will be extremely scary when we dont have any water, and have a limited time to live.

    QUESTION 2: everyone and every living thing in the world is affected by the melting ice caps. when the ice melts, and it is no longer fresh water, pretty much everything will die. it will be very sad if that happens because everything seems great now. all we can do to prevent the melting is to stop the pollution and recycle.

  3. It is very disappointing to hear that the Greenland and Antarctic ice caps are melting due to global warming. However, this does not come as a surprise to me. Seeing my daily activities and daily life in America, global warming will constantly occur unless something is done. Due to increasing temperatures, it is a given that these ice caps are going to melt. Not only will this have a negative impact on the wildlife which relies on them, but it will greatly decrease the amount of freshwater in the world. Because we have such a small amount of freshwater, it is so crucially important that we keep it in good shape. But when it melts into salt water, conditions become even worse. In class, we did an experiment where we distilled salt water to eliminate the salt. Through that I learned how difficult and long the process of doing this is. It will cost a lot of money in order to filter out the salt water, so we should avoid that situation by stopping the ice caps from melting.
    1. I think that in order to help this problem we could find alternative sources of energy, which use less fossil fuels and omit less greenhouse gases. This could slow global warming.
    2. The melting ice caps affect so many animals and wildlife. They also affect animals living in the oceans because the salinity is affected.
    3. I think the melting has become so rapid because of recent advancements in technology. People are rapidly driving cars and other oil driven machines, which increases global warming and greenhouse gases.
