by Bryan Merchant, Brooklyn, NY, 11/22/2010

Arnold Schwarzenegger dclared a state of emergency in California due to contaminated tap water. Typically in America when you want clean water, you can go to the sink, but that is not the case in San Bernadino County. The water supply contains the chemical, perchlorate, which typically is used in the making of explosives and rocket fuel. When the contaminate was found in many city wells, customers began fearing for their health. The perchlorate levels in some areas were three or four times the state limit. The city, however, has still not been able to find the source of this contamination.
I think that it is very sad that Californian water is being contaminated with these chemicals. It seems very rare for there to be a violation in water quality in the United States. In my personal life, I have always felt very comfortable with the water. I always now that I can go to my sink and have clean water. And I am very fortunate for that. However, it is a little discomforting that even in California, perchlorate has been found in the water. And the fact that in some places the water level exceded the state MCL by three or four times, is crazy! I am also puzzled with the fact that the EPA has not found a source of the conataminate. If perchlorate comes from making explosives, why would that endup in city wells? That is a little discomforing.
1. Do you think that these contaminates are a big problem?
2. How do you thnk the water entered into the wells?
3. In the future, how can we keep contaminates like these out of our water in wells?
It is really disturbing how there had to be a violation in the United States for water. Perchlorate just sounds like a terrible contaminate and could probably cause bad damage to a person's body. It is upsetting to know that this eventually could happen here in Horsham some time. Maybe not perchlorate, but any other violations of contaminates. Now I feel a little uncomfortable with tap water. I will obviously still drink it because I know it has high quality, however, I am scared that this might happen here someday.
ReplyDeleteQuestion 1: Yes, I thinks these contaminants are a big problem because they could cause serious damage to a person's body. Knowing that perchlorate is used for explosives and rocket fuel just already tells me that it is not ok to have it in water.
Is perchlorate soluble or insoluble? If the residents of California boil the water, will it evaporate?
It is a bit scary I must say. Knowing that the water is that greatly contaminanted in the United States no less. I feel awfull for the people in California, but comepared to the rest of the world this is nothing. China is on a 24 hour alert when it comesto their water. A lot of people take it for granet the fact of a practically unlimited supply of clean water; even me sometimes. I know I could take shorter showers and cut down on a lot of the water i use, but I don't I'll stand in the shower enjoying clean hot water and there are people without clean water let alone hot. It is a scary situation, but this "scary situation is normal for people all over the world.
ReplyDelete2.) the water from run offs colecting it as it travels, or people dumping the contaminants.
what does perchlorate do to your body and, is there a way to remove it from the water?
I think it is scary that a place like California is having water problems. I feel if they can have chemicals in the water so can we. I cant even imagine having unhealthy water because i use so much of it every day. it is also scary that the Perchlorate is used for explosives and rocket fuel. Could this be dangerous for the city, not only the people? i feel that with the technology we have today, we will be able to find out how the perchlorate got in the wells. hopefully California will have fresh water soon.
ReplyDeleteQUESTION 1: i think it is a big problem to have perchlorate in the water because people can become really sick, and it sounds dangerous because of what it is used for. hopefully it is not as bad as it sounds so everyone can stay safe