In recent studies, scientists have found that banana peels are able to take heavy metal contamination out of rivers. Metals like lead and copper are found in rivers and can cause damage to the brain and nervous system. Because of this, scientists needed to find a way to take it out. Before the discovery of banana peels, scientists used silica, cellulose, and aluminum to extract metal from the water. They do not use them any more because they can be potentially toxic and have their own side effects. Bananas are a safe and easy way to outperform the competition. Scientists have also made filters out of banana peels and it also took the metals out. Other plants like an apple, sugar cane wastes, coconut fibers, and peanut shells are also able to remove toxins from the water.
I think it is incredible how scientists found out that banana peels take out metals in rivers. This could be very helpful in having more fresh water to drink because we would not have to worry about having contamination. in class, we learned about how there is only so much water in the world that we can drink. If people everywhere found out about this and actually did it, we could have a lot more fresh water. I am wondering how the banana peel attracts the metal from the water. Also i am wondering how many bananas they have to use for it to actually work. I think that people should use this technique in taking metals from the water because it is safe, and we pretty much have an unlimited amount of bananas.
1) Do you think it is a good idea to use bananas to take metals out of the water?
2) Do you think putting bananas in the water is healthy for the fish?
3) If there was metal on the banana peels, would it be unhealthy if a fish ate it?
4) What are other ways to take metals out of the water?
It is really fascinating that banana peels are used to take out metal contamination. I would have never guessed it. Especially since so much water is contaminated, this could be very useful. They need to get this around because no one seems to know about it. I would also like to know how banana peels actually do this as well. We talked about different filters used to get the contamination out of the water. This one could be added to the list.
ReplyDeleteQuestion 1: Yes, I think it is a good idea to use bananas to take metals out of the water because anything we can use to get out the contaminates is good.
Question 2: I don't see why it wouldn't be harmful because bananas are just a fruit. However, I looked it up and a website said that the pesticides sprayed on bananas on banana plantations are toxic to fish so as long as they are fresh from the trees they are not harmful.
I find it a little wierd that banana peels can filter metal out of water. I also think it could be a good thing for us to be using biodegradable things a filters for our water. The peels are usually trash anyway so scientist can really just eat some bananas and then have a couple more filters.
ReplyDelete1) Yes I think it's a good idea to use banana peels to filter out metals because they usually trash anyway.
2)I don't think the peels really bother the fish a all.
I think that it’s really fascinating how scientists are using banana peels to filter contaminants out of water. It is kind of weird though. But it is cool to see that in this age of technology, that scientists are using something as simple as bananas. With the world being in a lower economical state, this could prove very economical because, as far as I’m concerned, banana peels do not cost a fortune. I think it is very important that people become more aware of this so it can become more useful. In class we learned about the different filters used and I would like to see how banana peels can relate to the way that the manmade filters and membranes will purify water. We also talked about the different effects that these contaminates have on someone, so it is necessary for them to be filtered out. Banana peels are a good idea.
ReplyDelete1)I do think that banana peels are a good idea because they can be an inexpensive and all-natural way to maintain health and purify water.
2) Because bananas are biodegradable, I do not think that it will harm the fish. However, when more bananas are being used, it may throw off the food chain in the water.
The fact that they have found that bananas can do such a thing amazes me. I'm courious to how they found that bananas can absorb contaminants like that. With this way of filtering the water it can greatly help the amount of fresh water we have that is useless because of pollutants. With all that we have learned in class about how our water is so scarce, its good to see that things are being done about the situation and it hasnt been pushed aside.
ReplyDeleteDo the bananas have any negitive effects on the water?
Do the bananas eventually rot away and is that good for the water?
OK, so this is one of the coolest articles I have seen in a long time... So I have a proposal for you all... Who would like to develop a lab I can do in class for next year to show if banana's work... I am willing to excuse you from a big assignment if you do this instead, any takers?
ReplyDeletei am but i dont think anyone checks this anymore so i can ask them tomorrow